Visit our Facebook page ( for a discussion of the Critical Speed Yaw (CSY) analysis technique. Agree? Disagree? let's start a dialog over there! Peace. -Wade, admin.
With his kind permission, I've added Jerry Eubanks' handout from the 2001 IATAI conference, titled "Pedestrian Accident Investigation/Reconstruction Update." He discusses timing of pedestrian startup at a crosswalk, and acceleration to constant speed, as well as discussing wrap trajectories in some detail. It can be found in the Reference Library, titled "2001 Pedestrian Accident Investigation/Reconstruction Update.pdf"
I have just uploaded the 1995 NHTSA report DOT-HS-808-532 titled "Field Measurement of Naturalistic Backing Behavior" to the Reference Library. I discussed the findings on our facebook page here:
Peace. -Wade, Admin.
In 1973, the DOT held the Second International Congress on Automotive Safety, with a theme of "Motorcycle and Recreational Vehicle Safety". Included in the conference proceedings are a number of wonderful papers, including a few by Harry Hurt, and the motorcycle obstacle avoidance paper by Watanabe and Yoshida. I've uploaded all the papers I have copies of (12 total). There are also papers that discuss how motorcycles actually turn, the dynamics of motorcycle crashes with video screen captures, trailer handling, Motor home trailer dynamics, and more. The format looks dated, but the physics hasn't changed. Researchers then were working on the same problems we deal with today. Most of these papers are not overly long, and are worth a read. Clearly, I'm scanning a photocopy of a printed book, so they are a little rough. If anyone has cleaner copies they could send, I'll put them in to share instead. To find them quickly, go to the Reference Library link, and search on "DOT". Peace. -Wade, admin.
"Friction Coefficients between Cargo and Truck Decks", published in 1997 by the CCMTA as their Report #7, has been added to the Reference Library.
ALERT: Someone has been sending out scam emails claiming to be NAPARS President Tommy Sturdivan, but the reply to address is not a address. The one I got has a weird "company83394" address, though there are others including "directoratpresidio". An example is shown below. The real one doesn't have the big sign hanging on it, but it doesn't look like something you'd get from Tommy, and it isn't. Nobody at NAPARS will ever ask you to buy debit cards for us. Ever. Don't click any links in such an email, please! If you have any question about a mail's veracity, write directly to Tommy ( or myself ( for clarification. Peace. Wade, admin.
ARJ 29(2) will be out in about 2 months. All active members on 3/15 will be on that mailing list. The first Newsletter is in the works now.
Reminder: All active NAPARS members as of 1/15/19 will be on the list for the first issue of 2019. Yes - the 29th year of publication! If you don't know your membership expiration date, you can log in, or write to and I'll get you fixed up. -Wade, admin.
NAPARS, PO Box 866Farmington NH