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  • 26 Feb 2023 05:51 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    Andy's presentation on EDR stuff last week was great, and with his kind permission, I have uploaded the recorded show to the Reference Library along with his slide deck and the Excel file to evaluate off-axis EDR DV corrections. It's all in the 2023 Zoom Presentations directory. Thanks, again, Andy!

    Peace. -W

  • 27 Jan 2023 07:32 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    We've changed the date for Mr. Klane's Zoom presentation to 17 March, Friday. Still at 11am. See the EVENTS tab to sign up.

    Peace. -W

  • 15 Jan 2023 08:41 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    I have updated the ARJ Index in the Reference Library to include the articles in the final issue from 2022. There are now 4,682 line items in there from all issues of ARJ, AIQ, and SOAR, as well as our NAPARS libraries. The first issue of ARJ for this year will be out in a few weeks. 

    I have also uploaded the video recording of the recent Zoom presentation titled "The EDR and the Trailer Hitch" along with my slide-deck.

    The next show (EDR -Update with Andrew Rich) is scheduled for next month. See the EVENTS page for more details.

    More news as it happens. Peace. -W

  • 04 Jan 2023 14:29 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    I have updated the EVENTS page to include the next 4 Zoom shows. We're still waiting on some details, but the dates, times, and basic topic should be all set. Registration is open for all four now. If you register, we'll send a reminder the day before the event with the Zoom log-in information. All times are Easter Standard, or GMT-5.

    09 Jan, 3pm-5pm, The EDR and the Trailer Hitch, 2-hours with Wade Bartlett

    24 Feb, 11am - 1pm, EDR Update, 2 hours with Andrew Rich

    15 Mar, 11am - 1pm, Aerial photogrammetry, 2 hours with Andrew Klane

    04 Apr, 1pm - 3pm, Human Factors, 2 hours with Dr. Susan Lantz

    Peace. -W

  • 22 Dec 2022 08:45 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    January's 2-hour zoom show has been approved by ACTAR for 2 CEUs. This show will be free for NAPARS members, and just $5 for non-members.  I'll be discussing a case study involving an EDR file that initially seemed to disagree with physics...But EDRs are fabulously reliable...What happened? Could it be that the module failed? Can we trust these things? Could it be alien beings interfering with the electronics? We'll talk about it.

    Peace. -W

  • 21 Dec 2022 10:44 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    We are accepting registrations for a one-week advanced motorcycle crash reconstruction class for next May. This has been approved for 35 ACTAR CEUs. More details can be found in the Events tab, here: NAPARS - Advanced Motorcycle Crash Analysis

  • 16 Dec 2022 11:30 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    Someone is trying to scam people with a PHISHING email that purports to be from our treasurer, though the email address is all wrong. These phishing mails are NOT from NAPARS. Please don't respond to whoever it is - doing so only gives away the fact that you're a real person reading the crap they are sending out! Please just delete it, and be ever mindful of scammers, right? Especially during the holiday season.

    Stay safe out there! Peace. -W

  • 10 Dec 2022 21:10 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    The video of today's Zoom show, Equations we love and sometimes hate, along with the slidedeck have been uploaded to the Reference Library. Next one is Monday January 9th. Peace. -W

  • 07 Dec 2022 05:37 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    The election for our Board of Directors for the 2023-2024 term is complete.

    Each member could vote for up to six (6) names for the NAPARS Board of Directors. The winners are shown below in highlighted bold with vote tallies. I thank those who stood for election, and those who participated by voting. 

    President = Tommy Sturdivan 175 (one vote each for Matt Jones and Donald Trump)

    Vice President = Richard "Rick" McAlister 174 (one vote for Matt Jones)

    Treasurer = George Meinschein 177 (one vote for Matt Jones)

    Secretary = Adam Hyde 174 (one vote each for Elon Musk and Matt Jones)

    Six Board Members:

    C. Greg Russell  152

    Bill Focha  141

    Susan A. Lantz, Ph.D.  130

    Hugh Bean  123

    Brian Fowler 123

    Vladimir Bortchevsky  107


    Not elected:

    Dr. Rick Wakefield  102

    David Danaher  84

    Matt Jones  1

    Peace. -W

  • 01 Dec 2022 05:36 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    The five 2-hour Zoom training sessions we ran in lieu of the 2022 Joint Conference are now done. They were each recorded, and the videos and powerpoints have been uploaded to the Reference Library. Thanks to the presenters for sharing their time and knowledge, and allowing us to preserve those training sessions like this. Enjoy! Peace. -W

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