I've finally finished the tallies for the conference, and sent lists to the ACTAR rep for CEU consideration. I have also assembled the attendance lists - over the 7 sessions, we had nearly 500 different people stop by for between one and 7 shows. 144 people will be getting an attendance cert for all 7 shows, sent by email as soon as we can get them assembled. The other 350-ish folks will get a cert for the sessions that they logged in for, or that I can identify as being in the Zoom-room for more than 90 minutes from the Participant Logs. There are some things I'd do differently next time on the administrative end, but I couldn't be happier with the results for our members. The videos of the 6 recorded sessions will be posted in the members-only section shortly. Thanks to the presenters for sharing their time, and the team of guys behind the scenes making it happen! On to next year, when MdATAI will be hosting the Joint Conference.