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The Successes, Limitations, and Future of Automatic Emergency Braking Systems (AEB) - 2hr Zoom with Dr. David Kidd

  • 11 Apr 2025
  • 12:00 - 14:00
  • Worldwide via Zoom
  • 1416


  • Registration for NAPARS member to view the presentation
  • Non-Members Registration for viewing by Non-Member.


The Successes, Limitations, and Future of
Automatic Emergency Braking Systems
- 2hr Zoom w/ David Kidd

DATE: Friday, 11 April 2025
TIME: 12 noon - 2 pm EDT (GMT-4)
COST: Free for NAPARS members;  $6 for non-members
ACTAR: This event has been approved by ACTAR for 2 CEUs. Accredited attendees should be prepared to sign in with i-Attend app during the presentation.

All attendees will be able to request an attendance certificate during the show.


We will have Dr. David Kidd, Senior research scientist at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) to discuss AEB systems.


  • Almost every new private passenger vehicle is equipped with automatic emergency braking (AEB) which cuts the rate of rear-end crashes by around half.
  • Most private auto owners leave AEB on despite concerns about false crash warnings and braking.
  • AEB is still a nascent technology that is not foolproof. For example, it is not as effective at preventing crashes with large trucks, motorcycles, or vulnerable road users at night, and may not necessarily interact smoothly with automation.
  • Consumer information organizations, like the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, and new regulation continue to push improvements to AEB technology, so what will AEB look like in the future?

Our Speaker: 

David Kidd is a senior research scientist at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Dr. Kidd is a recognized leader in applied research and vehicle safety whose work focuses on identifying data-driven, pragmatic solutions for preventing harm from crashes. He has developed multiple consumer safety information programs at IIHS and authored over 40 peer-reviewed papers on topics such as seat belt use, distracted driving, advanced driver assistance systems, and driving automation technology. Dr. Kidd received a doctorate from George Mason University in 2011.

Some of Dr. Kidd's recent publications include:

Characteristics of automatic emergency braking responses in passenger vehicles evaluated in the IIHS front crash prevention program, David G. Kidd, Daniel Perez-Rapela, Jessica S. Jermakian, Accident Analysis & Prevention
Volume 190, September 2023

The Effectiveness of Forward Collision Warning Systems in Detecting Real-World Passenger and Non-passenger Vehicles Relative to a Surrogate Vehicle Target,  David Kidd, Benoit Anctil, Dominique Charlebois, SAE Paper 2024-01-1978, 04/08/2024

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