Digital Integration and Building Charts in Excel from a CSV File, 2 hours with W.Bartlett
DATE: Friday, 07 February 2025
TIME: 12 noon - 2 pm EDT (GMT-4)
COST: Free for NAPARS members; $5 for non-members
ACTAR: This event has been approved by ACTAR for 2 CEUs consideration. Accredited attendees should be prepared to sign in with i-Attend app during the presentation.
All attendees will be able to request an attendance certificate during the show.
I will be working with a CSV file recorded during an acceleration/braking event using the G-Field Recorder phone-app. We will digitally integrate the accelerometer data to get speed. If time permits, I'll compare these results with a VBox Sport running at the same time during the test. Topics will include:
-File structure & saving your work - don't lose original file!
-digital integration of acceleration - multiply time step duration by ft/s/s to get ft/s speed change in each step, then sum them all all to get total speed change.
-Setting up columns for simple chart generation, or selecting non-contiguous columns
-Adjust bias out of signal acceleration data, shifting timebase to line GPS and calculated speed values
-Borders, gridlines, axis labels, titles, fonts, colors
-Dual axis charts - managing color & scales
-Legend, if you must
-Sharing your chart - printing or inserting into a report
One possible result from the file we'll be using looks like this: